Bushfire and BAL ratings for gutter guards are the standards for building in bushfire-prone areas. It is an Australian standard and compliance which must be adhered to for the protection of your home in such environments.
The Australian Standard AS3959-2009 & AS3959-2009/Amdt 2011 is designed to inform the property owner on protection and preventative methods in bushfire-prone areas.
Properties in bushfire-prone areas have a designated BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) rating. The BAL rating has been devised by the Australian government as a rating system to assist in gauging the risk level that bushfires pose to homes. Different environments require different standards for you to meet as a homeowner as are the BAL ratings as it aids in assisting the management and prevention of the risk of bushfires.
Depending on your property location will depend on the level of protection required as per the specifications for a BAL-rated gutter guard. Given not all homes are in the direct line of bushfires, it still may have a more stringent BAL rating compliance due to the ability for flaming embers and debris to be carried by the wind, etc and become problematic for your home.
Flaming embers and debris carried by the wind are prone to find themselves in crevices and gutters or roof cavities setting your home ablaze even kilometers away from the direct line of danger. Ember guards help prevent this from happening and can effectively safeguard your home from catching on fire in this manner.
Your local council or bushfire authority should be able to provide more information regarding the compliance required for your home and surrounding environment.
There are two different differences in the compliances when it comes to gutter protection systems for your property.
- Gutter Guard Mesh: Predominately used to prevent leaves, debris, and vermin from entering your gutters.
- Ember Mesh: Specially designed for compliance with AS3959 utilized for the prevention of flying embers and burning debris from entering your gutters – a non-combustible material.
If you are uncertain of council regulations for your area and the surrounding environment or are finding it difficult to decide which gutter protection system is right for your property, give one of our friendly specialists from King Group Australia a call today!