Are you Bushfire Ready?

Are you Bushfire Ready?

The Australian climate can be notoriously harsh particularly as the weather heats up and summer nears. Often creating a perfect environment for family gatherings, barbecues, parties, and the likes. However, the harsh climate and warmer season also mark the beginning...
The Gutter Mesh Wars: Plastic vs Metal

The Gutter Mesh Wars: Plastic vs Metal

Trying to figure out which gutter mesh you require for your house is hard especially when you have never purchased one before. Even though the maximum aperture, manufacturing as well as installation showcases the difference between the type of gutter mesh, it is still...
How Gutter Mesh Helps Keep Noisy Pests At A Distance

How Gutter Mesh Helps Keep Noisy Pests At A Distance

People who have dealt with pests like myna birds or possums can definitely understand the sense of frustration it causes along with restless nights. On top of that, there is the inability to sleep as a result of your noisy roof. Aside from the noise it creates, the...